Sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang
Sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang

sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang

The point of sales system is widely used by trading or retail business entities for small businesses such as MSMEs or large companies. The product in question is all kinds of gadget accessories with various types that have certainly been used by the public in general. The product is everything that the manufacturer can offer to be noticed, requested, purchased, used as a fulfillment of the needs or desires of the market concerned.

Sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang manual#

Product logging and manual transactions can be done, but this has many shortcomings. Generally, POS data will provide product information, sales volume, price, sales value, type of promotion involved during the sale of the product and also the duration of the promotion. But nowadays it hasĭeveloped into a complete tool with features such as loss/profit statements, stock of goods, sales per period, and others. POS was originally just a calculator-like machine equipped with a place to save money and can print transaction receipts. A regular POS system is made not to be connected to other POS systems and can be designed to connect to other POS systems through the Internet or intranet. With the Point of Sales application, we will get the benefit from the added value that can be managed on improving the quality of service. Large and medium-sized companies engaged in trading will generally use the POS system in supporting their business activities. The design of point of sales (POS) application system can provide better service to consumers, such as in calculating the price and the number of goods purchased can be faster and the quantity of goods is no longer dependent on manual recording. Within the scope of POS, a cash register does not stand alone but is included in other supporting software. Point of Sales (POS) is an information system that allows for transactions, which includes the use of cash registers. One example is the implementation of the Point Of Sale system. The utilization of information technology in the business world is currently growing very rapidly.

sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang

Information is important for the company, especially in the field of service in order to help customers. Keyword:Root Cause Analysis, Point of Sale, Information Systems, Products) This research is the first research that discusses the system point of sales for MSMEs with the additional process of product return transactions and integrates between the sales section in the store and the inventory section of the head office. The results of this information system provide convenience in managing sales transactions in order to produce accurate and accurate reports. Application is developed by using CodeIgniter framework. This research uses the method of Analisa Root Cause Analysis (RCA) as a tool in the analysis of problems and needs of the system. This point-of-sale system can help MSME activists in managing and managing product data return information. A lot of MSME has difficulty in obtaining product data return information so that it gets complaints from customers about missed return data. For micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) tend to find it hard in managing product returns. Through point-of-sale system, data or information that is varied in large quantities can be processed quickly and precisely in one digital data center so that time savings can be made.

sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang

Information System Major, Computer Science Faculty Mercu Buana UniversityĪbstract Point of sale is a sales-oriented activity as well as a system that helps the transaction process. Point of Sales System Integrated with Warehouse for MSME using RCA Analysis

Sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan barang