Citra ultra sun bsttle tree chests
Citra ultra sun bsttle tree chests

citra ultra sun bsttle tree chests

There are also several more minor differences between the versions.


Additionally, Ultra Sun players will be able to battle Kiawe outside of Mina’s Trial upon entering his room at night whereas Ultra Moon players will be able to battle Mallow upon entering her room during the day. During Mina’s Trial, Ultra Sun players will have to battle Mina, Ilima, Mallow, Kiawe and Sophocles, while Ultra Moon players will fight Mina, Ilima, Lana, Kiawe and Nanu. You will also have the ability to battle different Trial Captains depending on your version. Both versions can receive a Totem Mimikyu. Ultra Sun players can receive a Totem Gumshoos, Totem Alolan Marowak, Totem Lurantis, Totem Vikavolt and Totem Ribombee, while Ultra Moon players can receive a Totem Alolan Raticate, Totem Araquanid, Totem Salazzle, Totem Togedemaru and Totem Kommo-o. Additionally, the new mechanic of Totem Stickers allows players to receive Totem Pokémon of their own, but these will differ based on version as well.

citra ultra sun bsttle tree chests

At the end of Ilima’s Trial in Verdant Cave, Ultra Sun players will find a Totem Gumshoos to battle while Ultra Moon players will fight a Totem Alolan Raticate. There are also version differences when it comes to the first Trial in the games. The only reason why this matters is that there are a few Pokémon that will only appear either in day or night, as well as a few optional side missions that will only take place at a certain time of day. Ultra Moon, on the other hand, runs on inverted time, so it will be night in the game when it is day in real life. Ultra Sun runs on normal time, meaning when it is day in real life, it is day in the game. Other than version-exclusive Pokémon, probably the most glaring difference between the two games is the time of day. All the other differences between the two games will be discussed in this article. For an extensive list of all version-exclusive Pokémon in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, click here. Nowadays, more things change between versions than just what creatures you can catch. Back in the day, version-exclusive Pokémon were pretty much the only differences between paired versions, such as Red and Blue or Silver and Gold.

Citra ultra sun bsttle tree chests