Doing the other two films from the trilogy ruins this joke and, as the show often won't do, takes an Overly Long Gag that works once and continues to do it until you forget why it was ever funny in the first place.

Chris blames Seth MacFarlane for releasing Family Guy DVD sets with only a few episodes per volume. Come Rogue One, and that turns out to be true: Galen Erso, the chief designer of the Death Star, built it on purpose as a discreet form of sabotage. In "Blue Harvest," the Death Star's infamous Achilles' Heel was "kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect".An out-of-character parody of Artoo, yes - but it's almost uncannily close to the behaviour of Chopper. Speaking of Rebels, R2-D2's characterisation here (courtesy of Cleveland) is much ruder, snarkier and more prone to violence, including shooting down a TIE fighter during the escape from the Death Star.No subwoofers, but it does come with an electromagnetic pulse. Star Wars Rebels sees Sabine, the Ghost's resident explosives expert and art aficionado, spruce up a TIE Fighter her buddies hijacked several episodes earlier with a similar paint scheme. Clear some space for the third chapter of the funniest freakin’ trilogy in the galaxy Once again, the Family Guy alliance travels far, far beyond the beyond the boundaries of good taste to bring you an outrageous sci-fi spoof filled with. Etsy offsets carbon emissions from shipping and packaging on this purchase. Its a Trap Season 1, Episode 3 TV-14 CC HD CC SD. Etsy offsets carbon emissions from shipping and packaging on this purchase. In "Blue Harvest," a shot of TIE Fighters flying outside of the Death Star is capped off by a single, repainted TIE blasting some dope beats from its subwoofers. Laugh it Up, Fuzzball: The Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy Picture Frame Wall Art Add to Favorites Click to zoom RollersWallArt 283 sales 4.5 out of 5 stars.Also, Osama Bin Laden saying "Still Alive" after popping out of the Tatooine desert? Yeah, that wouldn't be true three weeks after the episode premiered.Quagmire's German voice actor (Hans-Georg Panczak) was the dub voice for Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker in the German translation of the original Star Wars movies (Episodes Four, Five, and Six from the late 1970s into the 1980s).

In The Last Jedi, the reveal that Luke Skywalker did run off and abandon everyone he cared about is a major part of the Broken Base over the movie. Family Guy (Star Wars Trilogy) (Family Guy: Blue Harvest (TV), Family Guy: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side (TV), Family Guy: Its a Trap (TV). In "Blue Harvest," Herbert/Obi-Wan at one point shouts that he'll "get the hell outta here!" and runs off, only to promptly return and dryly note what kind of person he'd be if he did so.